Here you can find information about the Spain-ASEAN Business Association, to know the kind of services provided by the Association and how to become a member.
What is the Spain-ASEAN Business Association (ASEMPEA)?
A STRATEGIC PARTNER for the elaboration, development or execution of any BUSINESS PLAN that has AS origin or destination Spain or any of the countries that Are PART OF THE Association OF Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).
A PRIVILEGED PLATFORM for the promotion of ECONOMIC, COMMERCIAL OR SOCIAL RELATIONS between the SPANISH MARKET and the SOUTHEAST ASIAN MARKETS, or between the latter and the former.
2. Who can become a member of ASEMPEA?
Any NATURAL OR LEGAL PERSON, from SPAIN or any Member State of the ASEAN, who wishes to be known, undertake a business project or strengthen its presence in any of the respective markets.
3. What kind of services does ASEMPEA provide?
On changes in Regulatory Frameworks through the publication of News, legislative ALERTS, CALLS FOR Competitions and Public Biddings THROUGH access to conditions, Opportunities for Business through contact between stakeholders.
PARTICIPATION in all kind of events organized or co-organized by ASEMPEA, whether they are LECTURES, WORKING BREAKFASTS or SEMINARS; VISITS of foreign personalities; or direct or reverse BUSINESS MISSIONS (*).
ADVICE on ECONOMIC, COMMERCIAL OR LEGAL ISSUES related to BUSINESSES PLANS, CONTRACTS or DISPUTES between Members and Third Parties, to the extent that, due to their complexity, they do not require to be trusted to a specialist.
MANAGEMENT of BUSINESS PLANS through the organization of AGENDAS; selection of LOCAL PARTNERS; preparation of meetings with PUBLIC AGENCIES and PRIVATE COMPANIES; presentation of COMPANIES and/or their PRODUCTS or SERVICES (*).
TRAINING through the organization of COURSES oriented to the specific needs of the Members, with a view to facilitating their integration in the MARKET; improving their COMPETITIVENESS; optimizing their INTERNATIONAL PRESENCE (*).
(*) A small contribution may be proposed to the Members, depending, where appropriate, on the number of them interested in any particular Service and the overall cost of it.